DARK FUNERAL Video Widget Available

September 16, 2008

A new widget from Swedish black metallers DARK FUNERAL is available below. The band says, "Now you can easily put all of our videos on your MySpace page, homepage, blog, etc. webpage, all packed into one tight widget. Widget size is 332x374px."

DARK FUNERAL will release "Attera Orbis Terrarum - Part II", the second DVD recorded during the band's world tour in support of the "Attera Totus Sanctus" album, on October 20.

"Attera Orbis Terrarum - Part II" (see artwork below) focuses on DARK FUNERAL's South American shows, where the band has a fanatical following.

DARK FUNERAL's first DVD, "Attera Orbis Terrarum - Part I", which landed on the Swedish DVD chart at No. 5, contains footage from the European leg of the band's world tour. The two-disc set includes three complete, professionally-filmed live shows and rare bonus footage. The first show was filmed with seven cameras on March 12, 2005 in Katowice, Poland. The second was filmed the following March in Tilburg, The Netherlands with four cameras. The second disc starts off with a camera-shot show from March 2006 in Paris, followed by the video clip for "Atrum Regina" and previously unreleased amateur footage that chronicles the Swedish black metal band's entire career, including the very first, and now legendary, show in Oslo, Norway on May 4, 1994. The total combined running time for the two discs is nearly four hours.

DARK FUNERAL is currently working on material for its new studio album for a 2009 release. Guitarist Lord Ahriman stated about the new songs, "We're heading for a bit heavier and a more varied sound, with perhaps not as much blast beats as before, giving more space for the drums to give the songs a more bombastic touch. Now when we are fortunate to have a new AMAZINGLY SKILLED drummer (Dominator) we want to give him as much space as possible to put on a real wicked drum performance for each new song. If we would use the same or similar blast beat patterns as before we would obviously limit him too much. And that's something we simply want to avoid at all cost. But don't worry, the intense blast beats are still a big part of our sound. And Mr. Dominator will for sure get his fair share to punish that snare in 666bpm. But there will be more drum work this time around. The material that is written so far is our most melancholic and epic yet. One of the songs is what we in 'our' terms would call a 'ballad' ('Goddess of Sodomy'/'Atrum Regina' type of song). And if you feel that one of those songs is melancholic, you will be in for a bit surprise with this 'Russian funeral symphony' (that's a working name only, of course, but it describes the black aura of the song pretty well, I think). Another suitable title for this dark hymn could even be 'Dark Funeral', but that's still to be figured out."

Released in 2005, DARK FUNERAL's latest album, "Attera Totus Sanctus", was recorded and mixed by Daniel Bergstrand (MESHUGGAH, STRAPPING YOUNG LAD, IN FLAMES, BEHEMOTH) and Örjan Örnkloo at Dug-Out studios in Uppsala, Sweden. Mastering duties were handled by Tomas Eberger at the Cutting Room in Stockholm, Sweden. The album features a guest appearance by former MESHUGGAH bassist Gustaf Hielm.

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